
Ongoing research projects

In vitro and in vivo study of the consequences of disease-associated mutations in the NMDA receptor and potential rescue pharmacology
Institute of Physiology CAS
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; project № 23-04922S

Personalized Medicine: From Translational Research to Biomedical Applications (PerMed:T2BA)
Palacký University Olomouc
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic; project № TN02000109

National Institute for Research of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (EXCELES)
Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine IKEM
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, project № LX22NPO5104

Completed research projects

Role of the cytoplasmic domain of the NMDA receptor for its biogenesis, function, and pharmacology: Focus on disease-associated mutations
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; project № 20-17945S

Molecular mechanisms of allosteric modulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors by neurosteroids and cholesterol
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; project № 19-05318S

PerMed: Personalized Medicine – Diagnostics and Therapy
National Centres of Competence 1, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TN01000013)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, European Structural and Investment Funds
Operational Programme Research, Developmenta and Education – project № CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007444

Identification of new molecules that are able to interact with allosteric binding sites on purinergic P2X receptors
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; project № 18-05413S

Molecular, cellular, and behavioral effects of NMDA receptor-modulating steroids
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; project № 17-02300S

Center for Development of Original Drugs
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TE01020028)

Genetic and functional studies of NMDA receptors targeted on the prospective diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia
Applied Health Research Support Program for 2015-2022, Czech Health Research Council; project № NV 15-29370A